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Chipping Love

By Alex Nicolson PGA (First published in Golf Monthly in 2014)

Previously we looked at how an instinctive approach to chipping can dramatically improve your striking. Being clear on what the clubhead needs to do to the ball and playing the shot more re-actively can get your striking where it needs to be to build a good short game. In this article, I would like to help you take your chipping further - beyond a results-centricĀ  means to an end, to a stage where the process itself is a true source of enjoyment.

Chipping lovers

If you talk to a golfer who loves chipping, itā€™s not just because they are good at it (althoughĀ  they probably are). Ā They see the art of chipping differently. Ā Plotting the best route to theĀ  hole requires imagination and creativity, and they savour this problem-solving aspect ofĀ  each chip. They study the lie, the slopes and swales in the green, the likely bounce andĀ  role of the ball. Ā They have a variety of clubs and strategies at their disposal. Ā 

Whereas fullĀ  shots are mostly hit at ā€œfull powerā€, chipping offers a considerably wider spectrum of feel,Ā  from the deftest chip and run, to the firm punch that squeezes the ball from the turf. Ā FromĀ  first arriving at the ball, to watching it travel to the hole, chipping lovers are immersed in theĀ  process.

The circle of mediocrity

One reason that most golfers donā€™t experience chipping like this, is their perception thatĀ  devoting so much attention to a chip is only worthwhile for better players. Ā ā€œIā€™m just happyĀ  to get it within 10 feetā€ is a standard that I commonly hear. A low standard, leading toĀ  poor preparation, which in turn produces poor results, reinforcing the low standard andĀ  perpetuating the circle of mediocrity.

The results are poor but, more importantly, the qualityĀ  of experience is limited. Ā Without clear intention and commitment, chipping becomes aĀ  nothing part of the round. - a time-filler. Ā However, it can be so much more (and your scoreĀ  will benefit).

The 4 stages of chipping love

1. What would it look like if the ball went in?

Golfers tend to not set their sights very high because probability says they wonā€™t get it closeĀ  and it avoids disappointment. Ā If this applies to you, try swapping probability for possibility and see what happens ā€“ thereā€™s no downside. Ā When surveying a chip, ask yourself theĀ  question, ā€œWhat would it look like if the ball went in?ā€

In answering this question, your innerĀ  Professor goes about trying to solve the puzzle. Ā Your attention switches on, and you beginĀ  to notice the lie and the slopes in greater detail, trying to imagine where the ball might needĀ  to land before bouncing and rolling into the hole ā€“ which club would do the job best? SinceĀ  every chip is different, you can be really absorbed in trying to solve the particular problemĀ  in front of you, every time. Ā The benefit is that you go into the shot with intent. Ā Gone are theĀ  vagueness and indecision that so often trigger poor technique.

2. What might it feel like?

Arming yourself with this new quality of information gives your practice swing real purposeĀ  - translating the picture in your mind into a feel - the strength of strike required. Ā The golferĀ  who imagines the possibility of holing the shot will obviously be looking for a more preciseĀ  feel than his ā€œsomewhere up thereā€ alter ego.

3. Hitting the shot ā€“ letting instinct take over

My previous article talked about the actual hitting, but you can see how much more inclinedĀ  your conscious mind might be to let your instincts take over for the hit, if it has clarity on theĀ  task at hand.

4. Learning ā€“ what did the clubhead do?

I am fascinated by what fascinates people. Ā In physical tasks like golf, one of the recurringĀ  ingredients present when people are truly absorbed is learning. Ā In chipping, the questionĀ  most worth exploring, either by intuition or deduction, is ā€œwhat did the clubhead do?ā€ Ā  Answering this question can be much more fruitful than trying to diagnose a technical swingĀ  fault. Ā If you leave a chip short for example, was the problem the quality of the connection,Ā  or the (lack of) speed at which the club was travelling? Ā If you get into the habit of askingĀ  yourself Ā ā€œwhat did the club doā€, over time you will get to a stage where you intuitively know,Ā  almost immediately, what happened at impact. You will be much more able to shrug off aĀ  mishit, as you know exactly what the club needs to do differently next time, and you willĀ  instinctively make the right adjustments.

Directing your attention

Think of your attention (or focus) as a spotlight that can be pointed in any direction youĀ  choose. Where was the spotlight directed for the chip described above? When sizing up theĀ  chip, our attention is on the route to the target. When rehearsing the swing, our attentionĀ  then might move to the clubhead, or a feel in the hands. Ā In the actual stroke, you might findĀ  the best results come from focusing on a single dimple on the ball, or the target itself. Ā EitherĀ way Iā€™d encourage you to explore what works for you and to see this level of immersion asĀ  the source, rather than the outcome of good play. Ā This wonderful relaxed concentration willĀ  not only yield your best golf but is also enjoyable in its own right.

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